Glass balustrade profiles - by Adex

Glass Balustrade Profiles by Adex (November 12th, 2020)


In the world of creating mind boggling buildings it is important that everything comes together. Building need to be spectacular, light and a lust for the eye. Nowadays a lot of glass is used in the buildings to achieve this. But for a lot of glass that is used an aluminium profile is needed.

These profiles are becoming more and more complex,visually more attractive and structurally important. This gives a lot of issues in the balance between the looks and the performance.

At Adex we have been dealing with these issues for a long time. Thanks to the experience we have in manufacturing dies for this kind of profiles we can make use of all of our knowledge in building the optimum die for these profiles.


Where Adex makes the difference

  • Freedom of design. What a profile should look like on the outside is relatively simple. But internally a glass balustrade profile is a masterpiece to achieve maximum strengt and stability. Thanks to the ability of creating dies for complex design Adex is able to produce a die that lives up to the expectation of the customer. To make sure that the die will work Adex is able to do a simulation run on the design.
  • Small details possible. Putting small details (chambers or threads) in the profile is often a point that will be heavily discussed. Especially when these details are outside of the container/billet. For Adex this is not a problem. We can produce dies with details that are located on the edge of the die. Giving the customer the maximum freedom of design.
  • Co-engineering. Adex is able to look back at 40+ years of experience in building dies. Thanks to co-engineering we share this knowledge with the customer so that the best result for customer, extruder and die maker is achieved. This is what we call the "Triple-win" situation.
  • Minimized die-lines. Especially for profiles that are anodised die lines are something that will cause rejection of profiles. Thanks to our clever design we have been able to minimize the die-lines in the profile.
  • Compact design. Thanks to the integrated spreading Adex curtainwall dies are compact thus saving on die costs and scrap during production.
  • Maximum spreading. Thanks to the 'think outside the billet' philosophy and combining this with our shrink ring technology or stone technology the only limitation you have is the pressopening.  If the profile fits the press opening we can make a die for it. Proven Adex spreading technology enables you the press profiles that are way outside of the container dimensions. In this way you can make 100% use of your press cababilites.
  • Virtual check. With simulation we can check the design so a first trail can be avoided. During the simulation critical points in the profile can be looked after and solved before the die is even produced. The initial trail at the customer can be avoided and the first correction (if needed) is done before the die is delivered. Thus saving time and money at the customer.

So for the next time you are thinking about a glass balustrade profile think about Adex.