Software is becoming a more integrated part of our lives. More and more is done by software before
it’s put in practice. ADEX has now joined this ‘movement’. By acquiring a dedicated 3D-software we
are now able to simulate the extrusion process byte for byte. The software enables us to see if the
proposed design works. But is also helps the customer in showing where heat stripes may occur or
even how big the billet transition will be and another plus is the possibility to simulate several blocks
being pressed (Front-end/back-end).


By simulating ADEX is now able to already know upfront what will happen during the extrusion
process before the tool even arrives at the customer. Making it possible to reduce the number of
trails. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you would like more information!

Adex is proud to announce that we successful implemented the new ISO 9001:2015 certificated. This new certificate ensures that our processes are aligned and continually improved  to deliver the our customers the best possible dies in the world.

Would you require more information please contact us.

We will display several interesting dies with spreading and shrink ring technology.

Also you will see a real 3D-printed extrusion die.

We would like to welcome you on our booth 801P.

Adex awarded the Bronze status from Ecovadis. Adex was checked on environment, labor & human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.

Ecovadis bronze

Would you require more information please contact us.

To provide a better service to our customers, Adex has invested in fully automated CNC machining centre. The new machine will be operational in June this year.

For further information about our machinery, click here. Are you interested in further information? Please contact us at our contact page.



Adex is specialised in manufacturing complex dies. The need for complex dies are increasing yearly at Adex.

The market experiences the benefits and this results in a significant increase in orders, especially spreading dies.  Increase in production capacity was clearly needed.
In January Adex installed and commissioned a brand new Heller FP8000, with this state of the art machining centre Adex is able to manufacture dies with the highest quality requirements.

More information? Ask Adex: +31 (0)77 – 389 89 00 or

Quality is very important for Adex. Adex is continuously improving the production processes and quality.  

A few weeks ago the audit for NEN-EN-ISO 9001:2015 took place. This audit resulted in the renewing of the NEN-EN-ISO 9001:2015 quality certificate.  

You can download the actual NEN-EN-ISO 9001:2015 certificate here